The Facility

Poundmaker’s Facility

Poundmaker’s Lodge Treatment Centres is located in Sturgeon County, AB on 50 ½ acres of land. The building has an ultra-modern computerized system for all of the facility operations and fire safety. Staff are on premise 24 hours a day, seven days a week and the building also has 24 hour surveillance & security cameras in and around the building. Originally designed collaboratively with respected elders of our community, Poundmaker’s Lodge Treatment Centres sits on site of the former Edmonton Indian Residential School.

Poundmaker's Lodge Facility

A place for  healing, wellness, and spirituality

Poundmakers Lodge Treatment Centres has demonstrated that it meets international standards for quality and is committed to pursuing excellence.

Ph: (780) 458-1884
Toll Free: 1 (866) 458-1884
Fax: (780) 459-1876

Mail: Box 34007 Kings way Mall P.O. Edmonton, AB T5G 3G4

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