42 and 90 Day Treatment

Choosing to take the first step on the journey to healing from addictions can be a difficult and even frightening decision for a person to make.

We at Poundmaker’s Lodge are aware of the courage it takes for you to come here to let us help you face this problem head on. Poundmaker’s Lodge Treatment Centres provides specialized programming that is designed with the individual in mind as we are aware that each person is unique. In keeping with this awareness, Poundmaker’s offers 3 distinct programs: a 42 Day Residential Treatment Program designed for adults 18 years of age and up, a 90 Day Young Adult Residential Treatment Program specifically designed for young adults between the ages of 18 to 24 years who are Alberta residents and the Iskwew Healing Lodge which is an aftercare facility for women.

42 Day

Adult Residential Program is delivered in a way that continues to generate much success for its participants. It is a program that combines traditional First Nations, Metis and Inuit culture and spirituality with western-based best practices in the areas of addictions recovery. You will experience such activities as traditional smudging and sweat lodges along-side classroom style education sessions and group therapy. We provide you with the tools to begin empowering yourself to begin to live a happier, healthy lifestyle.

90 Day

 Young Adult Residential Treatment Program has much of the same elements as the 42 Day Program but focuses on experiential activities and life-skills programming. You will experience natural highs and learn how to live life to its fullest through safer, but very challenging and fun activities. You will participate in many of the traditional Indigenous cultural ceremonies and will also be offered educational and group settings but will be provided with more experiential programming. Many of these activities are designed to build your skills to face the many challenges of your world as a young adult. Examples include wilderness excursions such as camping trips, nature hikes, canoeing, zip-lines and cultural camps.

Admission criteria for the 42 Day Young Adult Treatment Program

  • Be at least 18 years of age (18-24 for the Young Adult Treatment)
  • Must be an Alberta Resident to qualify for the Young Adult Treatment Program
  • Be physically and mentally capable of participating in treatment
  • Be free of alcohol and other mood altering substances for at least 72 hours prior to admission
  • Have dealt with legal, medical and social matters prior to entering treatment

We welcome both male and female applicants (all sexual preferences), concurrent disorders, and high risk pregnancies

While in Treatment at Poundmaker’s Lodge Treatment Centres

Poundmakers Lodge has a document on what to bring and what not to bring to treatment, please take the time to read prior to entering treatment. It is sent out with your acceptance letter or available on our website under the Application Forms tab. If you are currently taking any medication, please see the restricted medication policy which is attached to the application. For both the 42 day and 90 day programs, visiting hours are from 1:00pm-4:00pm on Sundays. For the first 3 weeks, clients will have visiting hours every Sunday at the Lodge. After these first 3 weeks, clients will have an opportunity to earn a Sunday pass to leave the facility from 9:00am-9:00pm. Please be advised, Poundmaker’s Lodge has recently instituted a no razor policy. The substitutes that are allowed are hair removal products or electric razors.

Treatment cycle

90 days for the Young Adult Treatment Program and 42 days for Adult Residential Treatment Program.

Intake frequency

Every Wednesday

Residential Treatment includes but not limited to:

  • Primary and Group Therapy
  • Various lectures covering recovery process elements
  • Aftercare Issues and Insights
  • Recreational Therapy
  • Cultural and Spiritual Therapeutic Practices

Impairments the Centre can accommodate: both physical and mental disabilities

Priorities: Pregnant women

Disability needs services: Fully accessible

Special services: Intake screening, Dual addiction; Follow-up/aftercare; Psychological services

Phone: (780) 458-1884
Toll Free: 1-866-458-1884
Fax: (780) 459-1876

Intake :
Medical Detox :
General :

A place for  healing, wellness, and spirituality

Poundmakers Lodge Treatment Centres has demonstrated that it meets international standards for quality and is committed to pursuing excellence.

Ph: (780) 458-1884
Toll Free: 1 (866) 458-1884
Fax: (780) 459-1876

Mail: Box 34007 Kings way Mall P.O. Edmonton, AB T5G 3G4

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